Answers to frequently asked questions
Please have a read to find before sending a question - this helps us focus on rescuing horses in need.
Where is The Kind Farm Inc based?
We are a registered charity with our head office (for people, not horses) in Byron Bay. The Kind Farm inc is a horse rescue network - we are not a sanctuary. We save horses that would otherwise be slaughtered and rehabilitate and re-home them. The horses we rescue are agisted, fostered, or adopted across Australia on private properties generously offered to help the horses on their journey. Our intention is to set up a worldwide network so that kind and caring people like you can directly save horses from slaughter.
Because horses are on multiple private properties, we are not open to the public. Where you are looking to adopt a horse, we will arrange for you to meet each other.
Where is The Kind Farm Inc based?
We are a registered charity with our head office (for people, not horses) in Byron Bay. The Kind Farm inc is a horse rescue network - we are not a sanctuary. We save horses that would otherwise be slaughtered and rehabilitate and re-home them. The horses we rescue are agisted, fostered, or adopted across Australia on private properties generously offered to help the horses on their journey. Our intention is to set up a worldwide network so that kind and caring people like you can directly save horses from slaughter.
Because horses are on multiple private properties, we are not open to the public. Where you are looking to adopt a horse, we will arrange for you to meet each other.
How much does it cost to save a horse?
Every rescue is different - but here is an example:
2 young unhandled horses in knackery holding yard -
Purchase $1000 (Cost is usually around $500 to take a horse away from the "doggers" - this is $1 per KG body weight as this is what a horse is with when killed for pet food.)
Transport of unhandled horse - specialised transport - can be $2500 or more depending on availability to transport unhandled stallions/colts
Gentle horse handling - get the horse used to humans, safe with humans and confident to wear a halter and be led - this is necessary for transport, rehoming and hooves and teeth care: $600 - minimum $300 / horse
Health and vet check $400
Supplements and food - varies but maybe $100 - $200/horse /week
Gelding/castration for colts and stallions - can happen once trained/handled: $500
Total for this rescue - if all goes well (not including any feed and ongoing costs is over $5300
(That's just the $. Countless volunteer hours goes into planning rescues, fundraising, social media etc.)
What if I donate to a horse that you can not rescue?
We do everything to save horses and if we could not raise funds needed to go ahead with a particular rescue, you would be notified by email and given the choice to contribute to another rescue or have a refund. So far we have successfully raised funds for the horses we have committed to rescue.
Are donations to The Kind Farm Inc. tax deductible? Like many newer charities in Australia, tax-deductible status is not easily granted. We can arrange to receive your donation via an auspice if you need your donation to be tax deductible. Please contact us to discuss this possibility and due to the paperwork and kind assistance of another charity, this is not available for every donation.
Where are horses rescued from?
The horses are usually unwanted at sale yards and horse traders who sell unwanted horses to the doggers. We also bid at live auctions and online auctions - we bid just above meat prices to purchase any horses no one wants. Sometimes we get horses who have been in saleyards for months and are unwanted. To access some horses from some horse dealers requires The Kiind Farm Inc to be discreet to keep these rescue opportunities open - therefore, we can not always disclose the saleyard/trader or location on our social media if this means we can not help horses through these avenues in the future. It may seem a bit unusual that we can not always disclose this information - but every decision is made so we can access horses in their greatest hour of need - no questions asked to those who offer or surrender horses - again - it is our purpose to help horses - not to go after people who are cruel to animals (which, incidentally is routine and legalised across many animal "industries". Watch the documentary DOMINION if you are interested in more info.
Do you need volunteers?
YES please get in touch via our website and let us know where you are and what you would like to offer - for example, horse care, admin, helping with donation boxes, graphic design, gentle horse handling.
How can I help?
The best way to help is to adopt, foster, donate or volunteer. If you can donate a regular amount this is super helpful as it lets us take on high-care horses and have emergency rescue funds.
Are you a registered charity?
Yes The Kind Farm Inc is a registered charity in Australia and adheres to all bookkeeping and reporting requirements. Our first public reporting will be Dec 2022.